P3) Well-posedness of the stochastic thin-film equation with an interface potential (with Antonio Agresti),arXiv:2403.12652 (38 pages)
P2) Solutions to the stochastic thin-film equation for the range of mobility exponents $n\in (2,3)$,arXiv:2310.02765 (34 pages)
P1) Solutions to the stochastic thin-film equation for initial values with non-full support(with Konstantinos Dareiotis, Benjamin Gess and Manuel V. Gnann), arxiv:2305.06017 (36 pages)
Peer-reviewed Articles
2) Martingale solutions to the stochastic thin-film equation in two dimensions Ann. I. H. Poincaré B 60(1): 373-412, 2024 (40 pages); Published Version (PDF); arXiv:2108.05754 (43 pages)
1) Dirichlet form analysis of the Jacobi process (with Martin Grothaus), Stoch. Process. Appl. 157: 376-412, 2023 (36 pages); arXiv:2111.01693 (34 pages)